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Engagement Parties

Engagement parties are a great way to earn Dollars, Emeralds, and other prizes!

Asking for Invitations
  • Check the Party Page often to find out what parties are coming up.

  • Click on a hostess's name to view her profile.

  • Send the hostess a polite request through personal message. For example, "Congratulations on your engagement! Could I please have an invitation to your party? Thank you."

  • Sometimes a player will have in her profile information if her party is "Limited" or "Unlimited."  Limited parties have 50 guests at most and it is unlikely you will get an invitation

  • Don't expect a quick response. The hostess is being flooded with requests for invitations and will get to yours when she has time.

Before the Party
  • Make sure you have at least $5 000 and 10 Emeralds to use during the party missions. Have more Emeralds if you want to buy a gift for the hostess.

  • If there is a dress code for the party, it will be in the invitation or on the hostess's profile info. Make sure your lady fits the dress code.

  • If you want a picture, send the hostess a personal message asking for a picture. Make sure to include your level and if you want any of your friends in the picture with you and their levels.

  • Make sure your settings for voting and beauty salon are set at ONE. Otherwise you will get credit for doing missions multiple times, which is bad. If you don't know how to change your settings, don't worry, they're automatically set at ONE.

  • Find a Super Model but do not challenge her.

At the Party
  • Show up on time.

  • Get your Welcome Gift.

  • If you want, buy a gift for the hostess. You get a copy for yourself, too!

  • You can give the party a "like" every hour.

  • Participate in the missions.

  • Collect prizes every 15 minutes (bonuses and equipment for the first half, XP for the second half "dancing")

  • Halfway through the party, there is an opportunity to give a speech congratulating the bride and groom. This will earn you 10 emeralds!

  • Parties last for 8 hours, but the missions will end sooner depending on how fast they go.

  • Be polite and have fun!

Party Missions
  • Missions are the main part of the party. Participate to earn rewards!

  • Do missions only ONCE each unless the hostess says otherwise.

  • The number of times each mission needs to be done is the same as the number of guests. So if you do a mission more than once, you are taking away someone else's chance to do it and get the prize.

  • If you are going to your first party, familiarize yourself with the missions beforehand so that you know what you'll be expected to do.

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